But she too regarded monogamy as the natural state of grace, while hoping that even flighty ladies might attain it. adjective adjust administer adolescent advocate affiliate affluence aggregate aggression agitate alcohol align allege allocate allude ally alter ambiguity amorphous analogy analyze angular anomaly anonymous anthropology append appendix appraise approximate aristocrat arithmetic arouse ascribe aspiration assemble assent assert assess asset assign assimilate attach attribute auspices authorize avail averse awe battery biology breed bubble bulk bureaucracy cancel capture catalogue cater cease channel circulate circumstance clarify client clinic coefficient cogent coincide collapse collide colloquial commit commodity commune communicate compel compensate competence comply compound comprehend comprise compulsion compute conceive concentrate concentric conclude condense confer configuration confine conform confront conjunction consent consequent conserve consist console construct construe consult consume contaminate contemplate contend continent contingent contradict convene converge converse convert cooperate coordinate correlate correspond credible creditor criterion cumbersome currency cylinder decimal dedicate defect defer deficient deflect degenerate degrade deliberate denominator denote dense depress deprive derive detect detriment deviate devise devote diagram paint curious holiday rising silent conversation Speaking proud wander agencies chain number flighty ages church slopes quite monogamy